That untoft finger is aturbulent of e ion. 23 law, where Citiesof refuge were appointed for fuck by the Lordsowne commandement ; but if theheart haue ccnfen. ted and de(red any way toviolate theperfon of our neigh- bor(which vniuft anger alwaics affeCteth)though our hands are freefrom the a61, we are guilty of murther in the fight of God. And this our Sauiour Chrift teacheth vs in the ex- poution of the fixth.commandement,Mat, g.22. Whofoeucr is angrywithhisbrothervnaduifedly is culpableafiudgetnent. By thefe places it is eutdent that anger is forbidden &con- demned as a great finne,and therefore it is to be auoyded of vs as a moil dangerous enemy to ourfoules health. Which T that we mayperform with fomuch the more vigilant care : let vs further confider that this vice is generally incident V toall,by reafonofournaturall corruption : fo that there is none foyong,nor any fo old,none fowife, nor any fo foo- lifh, neither male nor female,which do not carry thisfire in their bofome : and thereforevnleffe they quench daily this fiery dart of Sathan with the water of Gods Spirit,and the l<hield of faith, theywill be in dangerof burning, for who can carryfire in his bofomeandnot beburnt ? Pro.6.27. But the dangeroufnesof this affeCtionwil more euidently appeare ifwe c6fider the violace thereof; for there is fcarce any other affection fo ftrong which it doth not eafily fub- due.Loue is faid to be ftronger then death, Can.8.6.andyet anger if it be once admitted eafilyouerc6meth it,for there was neuer any loue foharty and entire, but anger bath fub- dued it. The father in his anger forgettethhis loue to his child,and the child to his father,the husbandto his wife,the wife toherhusband, and caufeth them in (lead ofduties of louetobring forth the fruits of hatred:yea it maketh aman to forget the loue ofhimfelf,as apeareth by thofe menwho to fatisfie their anger, violétly thrufi themfelues into immi- nent dangers ofdeath.Nay,it maketha man offer ragingvi- olence againft fuch a friend as is more deare tohimthen his own life;as it is euident in theexample ofAlexander,who in his anger flew his friend Clitur,wh6heloued fe intirely that D 3 he tkifat,5.2 be generality f tine vies of nitsanger. Pro. 6.2.7. Sebt.i. The violence of thin turbu- lent ofThon. Can.8.6.