se} L FM; 7171hksft Angoras 4tNYb/lentafettson. he needs would haue reucnged his murther by puttinghim- felfe to a wilfull death. As thereforewe cannot difcernethe heat of the Swine, when we are neure vnto a fcorching fire; fo theheauenly heat ofdiuine loue is not felt,ifthe furious flame ofanger be kindled in our harts. Couetoufnesallo is a moil violent and flrongvice, whichnothing almofl can vanquifh but death, and they who are poffeflèd therewith do loue their riches better then their owne liucs,as we may fee in their example,who beeing depriuedofthem murther themfelues;yea they aremore dearevino them then the fal- uation oftheir owne foules, as may appeare by thofewho fall intooutrageous fins, whereby they plunge their foules headlong into hell,that theymay get momentary riches; qt by them alto who defpife the meanes of their faluation in comparifon ofafmall worldly trifle : and yet anger beeing once admitteddoth ouercome couetoufnes, as it is euident in the example ofthem, who to fatisfie their furious anger by the deathof their enemy, are content to forfeit their goods thogh they be neuer focouetous;beídes the double hazard oftheirliues which they incur,both in their private quarreli,and in fatisfyingby deferued punifhment publike ìuftice.The like alto may be faidofthem,who byanger be- ing incited to reuenge, arecontent to fpend all their fub- fiance by profecuting wrangling fuites in law, of little or no importance, to the end they may impouerifh him alto with whom they are offended ; and foarecontent topull the houle vpon their own heads, that theymay ouerwhelm another vnder the waight of the fame ruine. Feare allo is an affect ion ofno finali force and violence : foroftentimes it cornpeIlethmen to thrufl themfelues into imminent dangers that they may auoide dangers, and to kill themfelues for feare of greater torments : andyet an- ger vanqui(heth feare, many times caufitngthéwhowould tremble to fee anotherswound,contemne their own death, and fo turneth the moll cowardly feare into molt defperate rageand furious refolution. So