What vnitr(t Anger is. 25 So that other of e ions lead a man, but this dra'ti'es him, others inticc him, but this compels him, other dazel the fight of reafon,but this makes it flarkc blinde, other make vs prone vetoeuill,but this caf}s vs headlong cuen into the gulfe of wickedncffe. Confidering therefore that this turbulent vice ofvniufl seU, anger is in the eies of God Co hainous,in regard ofvs fo ge- J neral', and in refpecof it owne nature fo flrong& violent, I purpofe to intreat of it at large,to theend we may 'carne thebetter topreuent it or the more eafly to fubdue it. And to this purpofeI will firll fbew what it is, and what are the caufes and properties thereof; fecondly, the kindes of it; and laftly, I will prefcribe the preferuatiues andmedicines, whereby we may cure this vice in our felues,or in others. For the firfl. Vniufl anger is a wrongful' and anvnreafo- The defrnitiox sable defire of reuenge, ilirred vp in vs by vniuil caufes, ofvniganger wherebywe hauing no refpe&of the gloryofGod,nor the good ofour (clues or our brethren,are after anvniufl & im- moderate manner, angry with them withwhomwe ought not to be angry.That vniufl anger is a defire of reuenge, it ,ingeran vu g g ' reaI nablede<. is foeuident that it needeth noproofe:forweknowby daily Jircefretieng experience,that he who isprouoked vnto anger by an iniury offered in truth or in his opinion, defireth reuengeaccor- ding to the natureof the iniury receiued, or the opinion whichhe bath conceivedofit.lf hebe insuredby a fcornfnll Tooke he feeketh to reuenge it witha difdainfull counte- nance : if by wordshe reuengethby words : if in deeds he defireth to reuenge bydeeds ;yeaoftentimes the fury ofan- ger calling amil.} before the fight ofreafon,caufeth fmal in- lurks to feem great,& according to that falfe opinion,inci- tethmen to take reuenge without all proportion.Foran an- gry looke with angry words,for angrywords withblowes, & for blowes with death, according to the violence ofthe affe6tion,and not thequality ofthe iniury receiued. Now that this defire of' reuenge is vniufl and vnreafona,. bie, it appearethby that which fbliowcth in thedefinition. And