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Ni ! iéConclufion ofthe Tr°catïfe, of our vnderftandingwith the precious eye-faluc of his ho ly Spirit , that we may fee the deformities of this and all other diforderedaffections. And alto that he will with the. fame fpirit finable vs,to reformeand renew them ; that their violence and fury becing abated, and the corruption and filthineffe of them being purged, cleanfed, and fantified, theymaybecome fic and feruiceable for the letting forthof his glory, the good ofour brethren, and the furtheringof our eternall faluation.Whlch grace hevouchfafevnto vs,-who died for vs, Iefus Chrift the righteous, to %vhomwith the father and theholyGhoft, be afcribed all honorandglory,prin- cipality,power anddominion, for euer and euer. Amen. .F lNI . fJ l3,ft1f E `:tlislrF brr.: á ):?`.rí! îi323i1ï: .tS `t. ±,i`r g 1.:,, l ,` :)1)sjl . `.i s . . _. ; )t')". r.'! L. .I _ F .Hwt .!i, st. . . 61 , ._ ., Ï 1, r _ _ .. !J. p.. t{ '.' . . :r:'1 ü':