5. Seft.6. Ike Gentility, Phil.; x9.¢ s.SeEt.7. Othes: vied to bideCoip:tr- div, 2 How sthes sereabnfed byvainefwearing, caring in rnolprophanemaner todifhonor his holy name byvfualland vaine fwearing, who hath aduanced them to all their honour , andmade them like glorious flars in the globeoftheearth,in comparifon of thecommon fort. But who fo they be that continue in this fin ofvaine fwearing, they Phew no fgne of true courage,orÇhriflian valor, but rather their bate vnto finne and Satan,inwhofe- bondage and thraldoine they cowardly remaine, neuer making any refiflance,nor firming to recouer their Chri' f}ian liberty which Chri[l With the precious priceof his. bloud bathpurchafed for vs. Our Gentilitiealto are muchcorruptedwith this finne, who vfe othes as rhetoricall elegancies and ornaments of their fpecch, foolifhly imagining that they much grace thëfelues, when they difgraceand difhonor their Creator; that they proclaime their gentilitie, when by blafphemous . othes, they fpread(as itwere)theirflagofdefiance againft all piede, that they make all men giue credit to their ipce- ches, when by their often redoubled othes it appearcth, that they fcarce beleeue themfeIties, But fuch asvaunt thE-. felues in this wicked praaile,they glory in their fhame,& theirend toil be damnation,as the Apoflle ipeaketh,vnleffe they turne from their finne, by vnfained repentance. And as they vfe their impious fwearing in a diuellifhbra- ueric tograce thetnfelues, & to gaine credit to all their af= fertions ; fo alto oftentimes ina daflardly cfining.tohide their cowardize: for it is not feldptrie feene that the vericfl henhcarted guls,aremoil rife in ruffenly othcs,to firike an aweful terror in the hearts oftheir hearers,and toworke in them a conceite, that they are fuch defperate hackflers,as maynot without extreame danger'begainefaid,much leffe withflood ; there beingno likelihood that men can efcape their defperate furie, feeing in theiraudacious hardintffe theyare readie toprouoke Godhin:felfe, and offer a kind of diuellifh violence again(t his powerful! maieflie by their hellifh blafphemies. Whereas it will pláinely ap- peare if thefe ruffians be vnmasked by the leaf+ trial!, and this outward skin=of licin-like furybe pulled from thefe Mies,.