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îi Ir o:. "eipprEntifeS andchildren nu!rá vp ix jvearing. as glowether are a4ufedby vainebearing. Satan by vaine and impious fwearing, that hereby they may make the better tale oftheir wares. But that is a mite- r-able bargain, when the foule is giucn in to boot forfome trifling gaine, which cannot be ranfomed with the whole world . Nor yet doth this finne -raigi e only amongi the youth of this City , who are in the beate of their blond, and ( in refpe&ofthat licentioumneffe which this age chal- lengeth vnto it felfe) in the height of tinne ; but it bea- reth fway alto amongtc our graue citizens, whole old veers and gray heads , fhould teach themmore wifdorne; amonglt houfholders, matters , and parents, who as they (}Mould be paternes of piety vnto their family , and ( in re- fpeet that they are Gods lieutenants ,and as it werepetty Kings in their owne houle ) punifhers ofall maner of im- piety; they contrariwife become prefidents and patrons, as ofall othervices, fo efpecially offwearing ; and by their :bad example,both teach and incourage their children and feruants in this impiety. And hence itis , that their Apprentifes., whoheretofore were brought vp by a feuerer difcipline, in tnodefly and fobriety,arenow ready to (wagger and fweare like grace- lefteruflïns: yea euen theiryoung children following their example, learne their othes with their language, and as Toone as they are come to the vie offpeech, abufe their tongues to blafphemous fwearing,which were giucn them tobe the inaruments ofGods praife.No meruaile therfore Peeing theybegin fo young, ifthey grow to be exquifite fwearers when they come to elder age; neither is it any wonder ifthey ripen in wickednefte falter the- they ripen in yeers,feeing 'fuck a foundationof impiety is laied in their tenderyouth. But let fuchparents and maltersknow, that Gods heauy curfe lieth vpon them for thewicked educati- on oftheir youth,that their bloudThal be required at their hands,at the dreadfull day of iudgement, Peeing they haue peruerted and deltroied them, by their bad example and loofe gouernment; in which refpea much better were it for them,that a milltone were tied about their neck es and they caft into the tea, then that they fhould thus offend thefe