A&. 3.17 28 Motit/et toperfwadeall men to legatevaille fwearing, noufne{ e ofour fins , and plunge our bodies & foules into a fearefui degree ofcondemnation ? Iudai is a condemned wretch inhel,becaufe he betraied his maf}ervnto the high Priefls to be crucified , for 30. peeces of filuer;what a fear- ful fentence then arc they to expe61,who themfelues crud- fie & teare rn peeces his mofi precious body,hauing no in- ducement ofpleafure,profit,or credit, tó draw thé vnto ir, but throughmeere vanity or malicioufne{fe,whereby they are ready to gratifie the diuell,by defpiting God himfelfe? The fouldiers are iufily taxed and rcproued for parting but thegarments oflefus Chrifl; and therfore howmuchmore are they worthy ofrebuke and punifhment,who diuide & teare in peeces his glorious and indiuifible perfon, his ma- hood fromhisGodhead , his foule fromhis body,& al his bleffed members one fromanother ?The Iewes grieuoufly finned(as al cófeffe)in crucifying theLord ofiifc;but thefe blafphemers fin in diuers relpe&s much more grieuoufly: for they finned ofignorá.ce,becaufe they didnot know him:, to be the promifed Meffias ; thereofknowledge,after they haue cónfef ed andprofeffed that he is the Sauiour ofman- kind : they called vponPilate to hauehim crucified,thefe crucifie him themfelues and in Head ofcrof e &nailes,they rendhim in peeces betweene their own teeth : they com- mitted this finne but once , there innumerable times,euery day in the yeer,euery houre in the day, (peaking no oftner then theydo blafpheme:th.eyfinned againil him in the [late ofhumiliation when he was but in the formeofa feruant; there after he is exalted to gloryandmaieffie, fitting at the right hind ofGod,as the foueraigne Lord& Iudgeofhea- uen and earth . Manyofthemwere pricked in conf:ience, &repentedoftheir fin at the hearing ofone fermon; theft haue no fight , fenfe nor remorfe oftheirfins,though their confciences haue bin often conuinced in the minifery of theword; and though the Lord bath for many ycers toge- ther granted them the means of their conuerfion,yet they continue in their finne, and in their hardneffe ofheart. As therefore they furpaffe them in finne,foPurely theyThal ex- ceed them in punifhtnent; and as itílull be eafier for Tire and..