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;2 2kfotiuct to perfiradeall men to leans vaine flavoring, haue their fcucr:li baits to allure vs forne the baste ofpro- fit,ffnic of honour , fame of pleafure ; this finnc ofvaine fwearing is dcflitute of them all , for vaine othcs are in vaine,andbring no profit but lou e, euen the loffe ofGods fauour, ofa good confcience,the afluranceoffaluation, & ofour credit and reputation among{} the faithfull,nor any pleafure and delight , vnleffe a man fhould ( like the diucll himfelfe )take ahellifh pleafure ina&ing fin&defpighting God;but contrariwifehorror ofminde,& the torments of an euil confcience, nor any credit and efleeui , but rather brand the fwearer with the blackmarkeof a prophane per- fon.Seeing then ifGod hath required a great matter at our ban ds,we fhouldhaue bin ready in regard ofhis boüdleffe and endleffe mercies to haue done it : how much more fhould we for his fake , forfake and deteft. this fin ofvainc fwearing,which bath in it not fo much as any refpea ofthe leall worldlybenefit?He hath bellowedvpon vs whatfoe- ucr good thingswe eniov, and will we not at his requeft part with this fin,which is not only vuprofitable,but hurt- ful ? He isfo bounteous that he hath not fpared to giue vn- to vs his only begottenand dearelybeloued fon,in whom he was delighted andwell pleafed,and that CO the death e- uen thebitter and curled death of the croffe : and (hall we be fo wickedly vngrateful,thatswe will not at his fute,part with a finne, which hath in it no refpe& ofgood, pleafure, profit, or credit, and contrariwife is hurtfull andpernici- ous both toour bodies & foules?IfGods infinite loue,nier- cy,& innumerablebenefits fhould foworkvponourhearts and confciences,that the ftrongefi inducements, and mofi alluringbaites should not mooue and inticevs to commit any fin willingly and againfl our knowledge , then fhame, confufion, and vtter deftru&ion iuftly attend thofewho either through wantonnelfe, or malicioufnef e, fall into this finne,hauing no reafon in refpc&ofpleafure,profit,or credit,to perfwade them thereunto : according to the prai- P,fa.z 5.3. er ofthe Pfahniff , Pfal. 25.3. Let them beconfounded that traKÇo-reffe without a caufe. g. ButifGodsmercies will not mollifie our flintyhearts,yet let