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©fegtst`tueeation.t andmentallrefrusatro.ns. 4 isTuch an oth tobe expounded and performed,as that I ma be cleared from deceit and periurie ? Some anfsvere, tira our othmutt bevndertiood in his fenfeand meaningvnt whom it is made. But this is too ariaand hard , forfo man might be periured, (wearing both according ro th truth, and according to hisowne minde and perCwafioii,be caufe flee is mifundcrt}ood through the default perh pso the other, who wanteth capacity and apprebet ion. Wha then mull it be vndertlood in his fenfe and meaning tha fweareth ? Ifthis llrould be granted, it would beas euer- par tiall on the other fide, for fomight men fpcakc doubtfirl1 with a purpofc tomiflead another, & by equiuocationmay fweare that which is true in his owne meaning and intent on, which is neuerthele(l'e dire&ly falfe , according tohis conllrurionvntowhom the nth is made :and thercfbre th moti equal! courfe that can bee taken for the auoidingo both extreames is, that ourfpecch which we confirme with an ooh bee vndertlood molt limply andplainly,according to thevfuall andcommon culome , as the moti part doe, and ought ro vndcrftand fuch fpeeches . And if yet any doubt remaine, thefuretl rule is, that the fpeech confirmed by oth , be vnderllood according to the fenfe and meaning ofhimvntowhom the oth is made, ifthefwearer did fweare deceitfully ; or iflimply , plainly, andwith an hone!! mea- ning, then is it tobe interpreted inhis owne fenfewhowoke the oth. Where by theway we mayobferne, that the doctrine and pratiie ofthe Priefis and Iefuites , in this , well forteth with the reti of their wicked and abominable conceits andcour- les; whoare not content tovie, but alfo doe approoue and defend in their othes, Equiuocations, and mentali referua- tions,of purpofe vied to blind &mifead himonto whom they fweare, that he maynot come to the knowledge ofthe truth; andthat in (Lich grotTemanner,thatoftentimes there is a flatcontrariety betweene their minde and their words, being vndertlood according to common cutlome, and as they themfelues delire ,that the partywho taketh theiroth Mould conceiue of them . But whatfoeuer fiowrifhes they make9 Y t o a e f t t Y e f Ç.Setf.3. Equiwocationt, and sentaB Yeleruationr, confuted.