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Tlxtaróh ils lacon. 5 2 O f the kindro f periury, we rnay,the thing promifed being both lawful! and poll'ibles Whereby it appearcth,that there are two forts ofthisperiu- riealto; fir(! , when as we intend at themaking ofour oth, not to performe it, which is a horrible and highdegreeof wickednetfe, when as we call vpon Godbyoth, not oncly to be awitneire and Iudge of that we fweare ; but alfocur furetie that wee will keepe our promife, in the meane tizne intending nothing leLfe then to performe our oth . The o- ther is, when hauing at the taking ofour och limply, anti fincerely promifed that which we purpofed toperforme, we afterwards vnconflantly breake our promife, becaufe wee either thinke, or find it ínconuenient, howfoeuer the thing promifed be both lawful' and polliblc. Andboth thefeare done two waies ; firí plainly , when asourpromifes are tmta nifca and voidofall ambiguitie; theother cunningly,when asoffet purpofe todeceiue, we frame our words foambigu- ouflyand doubtfully, that propounding them inone fenfe vnto himwho takcth our oth,vt a mayvnderfland them in. another ; and fo performeour othcs not according to the outward appearanceofthewords, and as the otherconcei. uedofthem, but according to that meaningwhich we haue fiercely framed vnto our (clues . As ifa Captarne inwar ha- uing taken manyprifoners, fhouldbindhimfelfe by oth to theenemy to ddiuer halle the Captiues, vpon(itch a fum dcliuered for their ranfome, and hauing receiuedthe price according to couetant, fhould in flead ofhalîe thenumber, as the other vnderflood him , fend halte thebodies ofthe wholenumber , as in his oth he guilefully intended : orlike Cleomener,hauing made peace with aCity for certaine daies, fhould atfault and facke it in the night. Butthiscunning cloth not lefí'en and extenuate the penury inGods fight, but rather doth much aggrauate it , teeing thereunto is added fraudanddeceit, CHA15.