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ofiott ReboutperiH)y refolmed, °s3 CHAP. X. Oueftionsabout priory refolued. Nd thus hauel {hewed what perjury is, &the § Se41. r. diuers kinds thereof. In the next place I will ,,Whether propound,& refolue certainque(iions about ailoche: the performanceofour oth;whichbeing ex- are tobe per- planed andvndertiood, will make vs better formed. dífcernc what weare toefieemc peri wry, that we mayauoide it.And firll,it maybee demanded , whether weare bound in confcience to performsalt our othes , and if we doe not,whether we commit this finneofperjury . I an- z What otbes fwere,that our othalwaies binder vs to performance, ifthe binde the con.. things whichwe fwearebce sbfolutely, and in refped ofvs /eiencc. who take the oth, lawful!, fo that with a good confcience, inlightened byGods word, wemay doe them ; andwithal!, ifthat they bepoffìble, and inour power, fo that we can doe them ; and ifwe doe not performc fuch an otla we arcperiu Icr.4. red,and fearefully tranlgreffe the commandement of God. For as the Lord requireth that we fwearewhen occafion fer- Num.30. 3 ueth in truth, iuftice, and judgement ; fo alto that balling fworne , we performeour oth . So Num. 3 o. 3. Whofoeuer fwearethan oth to bind himfelfe by abond, he(hall not breake bidpromife,but(halldoeaccording toall thatproceedeth out of ate his mouth.And our Sauiour Chriftreckoncth this fidelity in performingour othes, among the'waightymatters of the law,yeacuen the Scribe:5 and Pharifes, though otherwifeve- ry corrupt in their dad: in,yet taught this truth cut ofGods law :Thoufhaltnotfórfireare thyfelfe, but(halt performe thy M4ttb. %.33. vibes vnto the Lord, Mardi. c.3 3. And this is made a true figneofonewho is a found member cd the militant Church, and an oftiredbeire of the Kingdoms ofglorie, when as bee abhotres deceitful! (wearing, and performeth thofe othes Pfalts. Whichare made to his owne ;uinderance.Pfal.t 5.4. But if the things w!: -iicb by oth wee promife, be vnlawfull or impofl'ihle,thcn fish othesdoenot binde the confcience, H 3 but