0 I/'nlawfindother bindenot theconfcience, themfelues to trade a ( ingle life (}ill , anddilauow marriage which is theordinanceofGod, and themeanes ordained by him tokeepe and preferue their veílcls in puritie and holip netle. s. SeEt.4. And this is the firff kindeofvnlawfull of es,which con- Novanetb taintng wickedncóe in thcmlelues bind not to performice. ie vnlawfull Thefecánd ís,when as the oth is vnlawfull i n rcfpec4ofthe inrekeel of art who taketh it. As for exam le whenhe that fweareth, the party who P y P fvearesb, wanteth diícretuon , and the vfe ofnaturall reafon , as chil- dren,foolcsor madmen:or when thofe whobeing vnder tui- tion and gouernmenr, binde themfeluesbyoth to do a thing againfl the will and liking of their fuperiours and gouer- nours . As when a child tweareth to match himfelfe in ma- riage againtl his parents will, while(}heisvnder their go- aernment; or fweares himfclfe intoa Monkifh cloitler,they difavowing his Conde. For if vowes and religious othes made untoGod, for theperformanceof Come cxternalLdu- ties,doe not binde the eonfcience, but may be lawfully difa- >Evamb nulled by fuperiours and gouernours,as appeareth Num.3o i,3® 4.6, thenmuch more may fuckothes as are madevnto men be lawfullybroken,when as they arevnlawfullymade. And thefe are the orheswhich being vnlawfull doenot SaEi<, s' bindc the confcience, but may lawfully be broken , either a f hs e co be bra, prefently when as they containe in them apparant euill at ken, the firtl view,or as Toone as thevnlawfulnctfeof them is dii couered, which for atime bathbcene hidden fromvs. Yea wenot onlymay,as being permitted,but ought,as being re- quired,breake all fuch othes, as bind vs to that which iswic- O doy . kedandvnlawfull. According to that : Inmalir promsre- feindefidem, in turpi votometa decretü:Ineuilpromijeskeepe notfidelity ; ina di/honeg vow change thypurpofe: for tuck othesas arc vnlawfull are laudably broken, but damnably obferued . And thereafon is apparant,becaufc by keeping théwe that but addefinvntofimvntowicked fwearingmore wicked performance . Let vs thereforecarefully take heed, that wee doe not by oth promife any thing which is cull!: for lithemill beeknowne and apparant, it is horrible wic- kednetfc to draw Ood into theatrociationof our impiety, by