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eFbether otheaextortedart to b odferared, 451 who will not giue ouer his robbing. Againe,though it beca finne limply to indamagetheCommon-wealth , and to ex- pole our neighbours unto danger; yet it is noCnnc,when in a hirer damage iscontained agreater benefit. Now by fives- ring fccrecywee prefcrueour liues,who are profitable mem- bers of the Common- wealth ; and it is a greater benefit to thebody to prcfcruea found a:1d good member, then to cut offfuch a member as is vufound and rotten . Ifindeed the queflion were of treason againfl our Prince and country, then the obie6bon were offorce , for as much as the fafe- gard ofthe Prince and State is much more highly robe va- lued then the preferuingofourowne liu_s, who are but par- ticular members and private perfons : and therefore fuch an oth being perniciousro our country,is not to bemade to ef- cape thedangerof death; or ifthrough infirmity we should yeeldunto ir, weought not to perfortne it , leafing it beefing vnlawfull dothnot bind the confcience.But to returne toour former quci bon ofconcealingfelion .s,Iaddefurther,that by refuting fecrccy to faue our hues we (hall not atal benefit the Common-wealth , Peeing their d;fcouery hereby is rather bindred then furthered: for wh,lefl we liue,ït only flandeth upon the certaintyof our oth and refolution bur beingkil- led by them,it becommeth in reIpea of our reuealinr plain- ly impofftble.And we after a fort bringvpon the malefac`Ior a kinde ofw,lfull neceflïtyof running two a morehorrible finnethen he intendcth :for where as if wee fweare fecrecy, he onely falleth into the finne oftheft : by denying rokeep hiseuunfcll, We vrgehimvpon the peril] ofhis ownelifero commit the fearfull finne of murther, and tod:6Ie hitnfelfe withour innocent bloud. Neith,.r doe weexpofe our neigh. bour vnto the like phial , feting by this fecrecy weeintend nor the dangerof his life hut the iifegardof our owne :of which if for denying foci ecie wee fitffer our Celues tobe de priucd,he is neuer t e more priitiledged fromdanger, yea rather he is ingreater pprilisfeeing trte thecfc who before on- l:yrobbed , is now alpo ffleíhcd in blood. Finally , though it fhiould be gra -=ed , that through cur fecrccy our neighbour by aceide: t lltuuf a bee it:dangered, yet thisdothnot make 13 cur