Cor.si6 THE Er Tittii DfiDiCATORY finne, to refiraine vs from run iv on in v. .ked courtes ; yet there is little reforrn,vn and amend- rent,but rather weare growne from 111 toworfetand waxe eueryday more fecure and fenfual inour finnes. And becaufe men haue not imbraced and loued Gods truth nor fubmitted themfelues tobee ruled with this fcepter of hiskinglome ;thereforemany are giucn vpof God to their owne filthy lufi , and to a re. probateminde , and through the hardnef a of their hearts,al the meanes of their conuerfion and faluati onbecome not onely vneffeeival and vnprofitable, but rather caute them to beemore obdurate in their fames . The refplendent light of the Gofpell Both make them moreblind, Sò as they goe groping in ig. norancecuen at noone daies; the foundof theword, . and loudcries of GodsMinifters in their cares calling them to repentance,doe makethem moredeafe toall inflruionand admonition; the comfortablebeanies ofGods gracious promifes shining vpon their hearts, doenot hippie and (oftenthem,but rathermake them morehard and obdurate ; and as the Apoflle fpeak- eth,the wordofGod , which in it owne nature is the fauorof life unto life, becommethvnto them the fa-e uour ofdeath to their deeper condemnation. And as this is the fiate of all themwho haue fold themfelues toworke wickèdneífe, and lie frozen in the dregs of their finnes; foeuen the better fort who hauegiuen their namesvnto Chrift, haue beene fo intoxicated with thefweetecupsofproíperity, and through long reft,peace, andpienty,haue to rutted in their corrupt tions,that it is to be feared,theywill not recouer their ancient purity and brightneffe , vntill the file ofatfli- ¿ion with an heauy hand bath come often ouer them.