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68 Xeaforas todiffroadefromperiiry. I4.i7e9 law,theIewesarc fharply reprooued and condemned. Ier.7. 9.willgoss feale, murther, and commit adasltery?andfveare falfly,and borne incenfe vntoBaal? &c. Where we may ob- feruc,that howfocuer the formes ofBelial fo lightlye(}eerne of this finne, that they will nor flickcto Idi a fade oth at the leaf price,yet the Lord counteth it an hainous fin, and ther- fore he raugcth it in this placeamongl thofecapital crimes, of theft,murther,adultery,and idolatry. So alfo it is odious vnto men, and that not onely faithful! § .SeEt. 2V. Cnri.Iians, among[} whom a perjured perfon lofeth the re. odious vio potation ofreligion, and the true feare of God, yeacum of men, ciuility and common honefly : and is for euer branded with the blacke markeofa prophane perfon, who neuerafter is to be credited in his words and deeds : butalfo vnto the Hea- thens, Turkes and Pagans :for howfoeuer thofe menarebut dimme lighted in the morali duties of hone(}y betweene man and txan , hauingoncly the obfcure light of corrupted nature tobe their guide , and evenalmofi fi}arke blind in the duties of piety towards God : yet haue they abhorred this finne of perjury, and counted it worthy of the fcueref}pu. Agefliata, nifhment.One faith,that men byno meanes moreprovoke .spud. Aelian, the wrath ofthe diutneMaieily, then by rafh violatingofan holyoth. Another being importunedby a refpe6 cd friend, var.hJ7or. to atfoord him a falfeoth : anfwered , that he could be his Pericles, friend, no further then vfguead aras,vnto the altar : niea- apvthergf ¡ ning,that no friendfhip fhould make him (weara falfc oth at the altar , in thepretence oftheir gods. A third being fctat Regulus. liberty, rather then he would breake his oth , returneda- cic.tib.;, gaine vnto his mortali enemies, expe6ling nothingelfe but ale o is. exquifite torments. § Seff.3. Secondly, the outragions wickedneffe ofthis finne appea. The manifold rah by the manifold culls which it containeth : for it is a soil, contained hellifhmontier, compoûdedofmany hainous fins the leaf} in perjury. whereofis by it Idle damnable . As fir({ the groffell kinde tying. of iying,which is not onely avouched , but alto impudently outfaced withan oth : and thisalone , as it excludeth thofe, whovie it,out ofthe ¡oyes of heauen , For without(hall bee vrhofoeuer lciueth ormaketh lies : foalfo it purchafeth them4 part Apoc.zs.r5 ata4:i,8