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on AL as 24. IC. 99 the hypocrite's perfwafion. z. 'Tis in fome accidental or acceffory thing, and not in fundamental Truths. 3. It is readily and more ordinarily in fomething not fimply, and in itfelf evil, but in fomething only that they are not called to of God, tho' good in itfelf. In.thefe mofb readily and ordinarily (as I juft now laid) they may go wrong and ftray ; but yet they may do fo, even in fome other things at fits, or under fome violent temptations. We fhall clofe up all at this time with there four or five words of dire &ion ; The VI whereof is, that which we hinted at before, That believers would walk foftly, humbly and in fear, and not be too confident of themfelves, or of their own ftrength : For tho' they may warrantably be humbly confident that they (hail be carried through without, at leaft, final erring in any fundamental truth neceffary to falvation ; yet they may Elide in a particular pra &ice, or in a point of truth, in fuch things as are (to fay fo) accef- fory, and not abfolutely neceffary ; and therefore they lhould walk in fear,and beware of a defpifing, cenfuring, and condemning humour, that ufeth to go along with them, who think themfelves to he right, and others to be wrong ; as the apoftle's exhortation is, Rom. 14. 3, 2dly, Believers had not need to be rail' or hafty in any thing, lince much of their erring, whether in opinion or pra &ice, floweth from their hafte, and fuddennefs in drawing conclufions; whereas, if they patiently waited on God, and confidered calmly, and at leifure, they might get another anfwer : But we often lay down our conclufion, and then begin to try, (which is a very pre - pofterous courfe) whereas we lhould firft try, and then conclude. idly, Believers fhould be exceeding feriousa not only in trying the thing, but in trying their fingle.b nefs in it ; confidering, that oftentimes there is fome what betide awe of Confcience, that fwayeth them in fuch and fuch a particular (if they could difcern it) fuch as intereft, affe &ion, or the like. 4thly, They' would alfo carefully obferve, and beware of the bitter fruits that accompany delufion in others, which (thon they come not to that height, yet) may come to a con- G z fiiderable