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co Sermon 4. fiderable height even in them, fuch as are fevere cenfti ring and judging of others, bitternefs, frothinefs, Et Pc, 5thly, And in a word, they had need to lippen and truff to God, more than to themfelves ; according to that no- table exhortation, Prov. . 5. Truf in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own u -derfianding ; in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he fhall dire thy paths : That other word wh`:ch we have, Prov. 28. z6, would alto be confidered, and fèrioufly pondered, He that trufleth in his own heart is a fool, but whofo walketh wifely /Ball be delivered. Let all learn to be humble, ten - der and lober ; and God biefs what bath bath been faid- for this end. SERMON V. As zq.. i6. And herein do I exercife myfelf, to have always a .Confcience void cf Offence toward God, and toward Alen. THERE is no truth that will be more readily granted than this, which we propofed from thefe wards, namely, That all men, and more efpecially belie- vers, ought fo to live, and walk, as in nothing to give their Confcience caufe of offence : And yet, if we .1ha11 impartial- ly put the matter to trial, there is ground to fear, that the life of many will be found to be nothing elfe than a continued lie, and pratical contradiction to the profeffi- on of this great truth. Becaufe this is (as we Paid) fo tender and tickle a fubje &,and becaufe there is fo great need to be clear in the true meaning of it, we have been confirained, beyond our purpofe, to propofe and anfwer feveral queflions, and to move and diffolve feveral doubts concerning it, to make the fairer and eafier accefs to the Ufe ; it being fo very ordinary for people to think that they have a good Cln cìence, when indeed they have it not; and fo tó baffle (to fpeak fo) and abufe Confcience (tha íhould'