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on ACTS 24. I6. T01 .Mould be the moll powerful provoker to a tender and circumfpe& walk) as to make it a ground of fecurity And untendernefs. We (poke a little the laff occafion to that queflion, Whether not only unregenerate men may think that, to be Confcience, which is not ? but alto, Whether it be in- cident even to believe, s themfelves to think, and that with force fort of perfwafion (I will not fay with fuch grofsnefs of delufion as may be in others) that they are right when yet they are wrong ? In anfwer to which, we (hewed you they might, and infanced feveral cafes wherein. Now, tho' the laft branch of the queflion bath its own great difficulty to conceive of it aright ; yet, lince it is for our edification, (for, if believers may miftake, much more may others) and fnce it will make way for confirm- ing a fubfequent der &rine, 'viz. That it is a. moff cult, exercifing, and up-taking thing to keep a good. Confcience ; and fince alto it bath very great influence upon, and is very ufeful to our whole life, it being with- al the main fcope of the text, to prefs the keeping of a good Confcience, and the fum and fubflance of a Chrif}i- an walk to do fo ; we (hall yet proceed therein a little further, and it will net, we hope, be found to be an im- pertinent, or wide digreffion, fbberly to do fo. That then which we fpoke a little to, and will now further profecute, is, That believers (tho' not in reference to their (fate, yet) in the matter of duty (for both in think- ing that to be truth which is not truth, and that to be du- ty which is not duty, Confcience a &eth as the judgment is informed) may err and go wrong, In profecuting of this, we ihall, ifi, confirm it from ifome inffances. adly, We íhall touch on fume aggrava- tions, or aggravating circumffances of the thing, rho' not fo much in reference to the finfulnefs of it, which will make it the more wonderful. ;díy, We 1ha11 give force reafons of it. 4thly, We 1h411 (peak a word or two to the ufe of it. For the firff, That believers may thus go wrong, we h. 11 confirm it from four inftances'; the firft whereof