11.14..l.J :441.. a.v +,, as well as Peter did : As when he faid, he was to go up to 7erufalem, they Paid, Wafter, the Jews fought of late to (lone thee,and wilt thougo up thither? And yet how hate- ful this was to Chrift, is clear from the whole (rain of the gofpel, and from his checking of Peter at that rate of holy feverity, faying tohim, Get thee behind me,Satan. And the two fons of Zebedee, Mat. 2o. 22. telling them, that they knew not what they asked ; and, As i. 7. he de- clareth to them, That it was not for them to know the times °and feafons,which the Father had put in his own power. A 4th inflance is 'that which was the very common tenet and opinion of believers in the primitive times among the yews, viz. That the ceremonial law of Mofes was not fully abrogated by the coming of Chrif, as is clear from Arts z t.. and Rom. 14. and, i Cor. 8, 9, and i o.Chap- ters; and that there was much unclearnefs in the matter of Chriflian liberty, they being force way rooted in their opinion anent the diflin&ion of meats and days, thinking that it was not taken away ; and tho' the apoflles deter - mined it, yet they could not eafily be brought off from it. For the 2d, take force aggreging circumflances which will make this the more wonderful ; As, z. That be» lievers may err, be miftaken, and go wrong, when in a very tender Chrifian frame ; as is clear in the fore -cited inflances of the Patriarchs, of job's friends, and of the .4ofxles and Believers in the primitive times : For, will any I pray deny but they were in a good frame,when they had fo much liberty in prayer and preaching, and fuch fuccefs waiting on ir, fo that the devils were fubje& to there ? They were allo fìngularly dauted and dandled, in a manner, by Chrif Jefus himfelf; and had fo much accefs to God, and fo much of his countenance ; yet continuing fill for a great while in tome of thefe their errors and mifakes. 2, That this may be not only among the more common fort of believers,but even allo amongft the moft eminent; for, are there any more eminent than thefe we have named, viz.. the Patriarchs, .dpo flies and Difciples of our Lord ? and we may add that of Paul and .wah af,Ads 15. 36, "9, What the particular was about G 4 whif:b