on lets 24. x 6. 105 world, and that they behoved to become as little chil- dren ? and yet, notwithftanding of all this, they con - tinued in their error, not only while thrift was with them before his death, but even after his refurreEtion'; as is clear, AA's i. And we know what were the decrees of the fynod held at .Yerufal orrr, Ads 15. . concerning Chrif}ian liberty ; and how it was told the believers in that time, 2'hat an idol was nothing, and yet they adhe> red to their miftake about their liberty, and thought Rill fomething of the idol, as Paul lb.eweth, i Cor. io. 19. 7 . Their error or miffalce may be continued in long, and believers may not only fall haftily, or on the fudden, in an error of judgment, or into à wrong pro- dice, but they may live and ly long in it : 'Tis like, that of fob's friends ended not in a day, nor in a month, and that of the fathers was for many years together, and that alto of the apoftles was for feveral ; yea, they may continue fo long,that they may die in it, and never come to fo much elearnefs as once to know that they were wrong: Th& I fay nor, that they may die in fuch an error and miftake unpardoned, yet they may die in un- clearnefs as to the thing's being an error, yet without prejudice to their falvarion, having an interpreta.ive and virtual repentance of every thing that is wrong and finful in them, and fó of this among the reft i As the Patriarchs,and many believers in Paul's time, went to hea- ven, who yet very probably did die without coming to be clear in that particular wherein they were mdflaken, or differed from others, who were in the right. Shall we think that two godly men, living and dying in fo_rze difference of judgment about fornewhat not necefiary ro falvation (wherein yet the one of them tuff be wrong) die not well and in the Lord for all that ? God fortrid : Neither can there be any reafon given, why they may not die in that wherein they lived fo long, tho' indeed at death they may come to be more impartial in weigh- ing the grounds of the difference and miftake. 8. This may for force generations, as was that miftake of the Patriarchs ; and fo it may continue, not only in mens own lifetime, but in after generations the miftake May be propagate ; as in the primitive times, Tome Of their