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2Ó ''rmon 2. x . 12. If we ilioul never fo many good words, and do never fo ,man things on the matter, if we be not tingly minding od's honour in than they will not be acceptable : The want of fincerity will be as the dead fly in many a mans pot of ointment of called -for duties, that will make it calf forth an evil and (linking finell ; the favour of a good Confcience will fore he wan- ting where finglenefs is not, or where Confcience is made fubordinate to our carnal interefts. Many may have a re- folution to do fuch and fuch duties, who yet make thefe to keep level with carnal defigns and interefts ; 'ris im- pofíible, when men come not as new -born babes to drink in th@ fincere milk of the word, that they can profit, let be grow, thereby. 6thly, Be frequent and ferious in making humble and believing applications to the blood of Chrift, ro the blood of fprinkling, that thereby your Con - fciences may be fprinkled and purged from dead works : For the great ground of your peace is not your feriouf- nefs and fincerity, but his fatisfaetien. Many of our 'orks and duties, alas! want life ; and, if they be not fprinkled with the verme of his blood, they will be but as fo many dead weights on the Confcience ; and indeed there can he no truly good Confcience, whatever elfe be, if this be negle &ed : Let then thefe that would be at a good Confcience make ufe of thefe direaions and helps, and they (hail doubtlefs come the better fpeed. Now,we are lure that this is the ,truth of God, to wit, That we Tould endeavour to have and to keep a good Confcience in all things, and always toward God and men; which a very Heathen, were he prefent with us, would not con - tradi& ; and it is very ufeful for you ; tho' it may be force profane wretches will be ready to fay, What need_ eth all this nicenefs ? And, as it is a truth, and a moft concerning truth, fo nothing will make your life more truly cheerful and comfortable ; and, if it be negle&ed or flighted ,all your knowledge,ali your difputes about re- ligion, all your tailings of the good word of God, all your prayers, or what elle ye can name, will be to no purpofe. And, Peeing it is fo very important and concerning a truth, y+e leave it on you before God, and put it home to