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on rerer g. 2r. i3 till fuch a thing was done, and fuch a thing abflained from ; which floweth from the nature of Confcience, ac- cufing, or breeding difcontent, becaufe of unanfwer- ablenefs to the rule. idly, Confcience bath a way of fig.. nifying its mind, by making focie impreffion of terror, to back and fecond more than ordinary convi&ions of, and threatnings and challenges for, fin: When fin is committed, Confcience convinceth and challengeth ; when this doth not the turn, upon the back thereof corn- eth the threatning, and force fits of terror ; fometimes the threatning is conditional, fometimes the perempto- ry certification is added; fometimes again the impreffi- on of the threatning will be more iènfible, fometimes more infenfible : When Confcience giveth advice, and di &ateth from the word, it maketh ufe of the commands; but, in the fenfe we are now (peaking of, it maketh ufe of the threatnings : As for infrance, 'tis faid in the third command, The Lord will not hold him guiltlef c that tak.. eth his name in vain ; now, for any degree of this guilt, Confcience challengeth; and, when that is flighted, there- i upon Confcience goeth on, and, maketh the threatning terrible; for challenges bear in convi &ions of fin, and convi &ions reprefent the threatnings as more terrible, and threatnings bear in the apprehenfions of wrath ; and hence is the exercife of Confcience in fame, that wakneth and raifeth a terribleworm in it. A 4th way how Con- fcience giveth its anfwer, and maketh its mind known, is by an inconceivable inward calmnefs, peace, fere- nity, and tranquillity in the Soul ;'fo that, when a man reffe&eth on his doing of fuch and fuch a thing, and comparing it with the rule of the word, findeth it agreeable to the fame, all his terrors evanifh, his mind is calmed, and he findeth much fweet peace, delight and acquiefence in the thing ; this is nothing elfe, but Con- fcience giving its anfwer : All which had great need to be carefully compared with the word of God, and that his mind therein be very clear ; becaufe, as there may be much baffard -peace on the one hand, fo there may be many groundlefs challenges on the other, which are pot to be taken for the language of Confcience. As for the 3d c ueflion, What men are to do that they