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X40 ,5erinon ! the word ; for there is a great correfpondence betwixt thefe two, Confcience and light, Confcience ferving to balance light, and light to confirm Confcience, which being God's deputy fer up in man to fpeak his mind, ere we can follow ought as the language of it, we should ask for his warrant ; and, if it produce no word for the war. rant of what it faith, we.lt.ould not take it for the an- fwer of Confcience, or at leaf} it fhould be looked upon as a miftaken anfwer : Hence it is, that force, when they get a little lightning after prayer, and do not put it to the trial, and yet ref( on it as an anfwer of Confcience, are miltaken : Yea, this is the reafon why many of God's people, who have force accefs and liberty in their adz dreffes to him, are miflaken ; for it is not accefs to him» nor liberty limply, that warranteth Confcience to (peaky but the word of God. As for the 4th quefion, How this language of Con - fcience may be difcerned and diftinguiihed, or differen- ced from mens light, inclinations and affe &ions of fear or desire, and liking to be at a thing ; which will fir and make ref}lefs, as well as the impulfe of Confcience ? We anfwer, 1. The anfwer that Confcience giveth is al- ways from the word, if it be right ; and, upon that ac- count, that the word warranteth it, it not only faith, That fuch a thing is agreeable to the word, but preffeth to it, becaufe agreeable thereto : As for inffance, to allude to that word (if not more) He that giveth to a diJciple a cup of cold water, in the name of a difciple, fall not lofe hi. reward. We may give fomewhat to a man that is a difçiple, out of pity, or on force other natural or moral confiderations and relations, and light will dire& to that, and the natural Confcience may pufi to it ; but to make it the anfwer of a good Confcience, t requireth, a reduplication, that we give to him, as, or becaufe, he is a dilciple and member of Chrift : So one may pray and come to Church, and have an impulfe to it, and yet not from a good Confcience, as another doth becaufe the one corneth as in obedience to a commanded duty, the other not, but on Come other account : The rea- fon is, becaufe Confcience preffeth to obedience on that ççount ; but light, inclination,' and atTetion;, pref: t4 Al