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3d Cafe is, When mens own particular intereft ü etch one way, and the anfwer of Confcience fwayeth ano- ther way ; as fuppofe gain to be on this fide, and Confci- pence fpeaketh duty to be on the other ; intereft will fay, that fuch a place, calling, or flation should be taken and engaged in, becaufe it hash gain and preferment with it; but Confcience faith, it fhould be forborn : And here intereft fuflaineth the difpute, and carrieth it on toughly and pertinacioully againfl Confcience, with plaufible ar- guments, that fide and fuit well with, and much pleafe and gratify, our flesh; which yet might be very eafily re- futed, if intereft had not the great hand in propofing and managing them: Hence the apoflle, i Tim. 6. 5. fpeak- eth of force perverfe drfputings of men of corrupt minds, and defitute of the truth, who fuppofe gain to be godlinefs For when gain prefenteth itfelf, as eafy to be found and come by in fuch a way, it will readily par's for godli- snefs : This is very dangerous, and maketh the anfwer of Confcience to be either miftaken, or caften and reje- &ed. A 4th Cafe, more readily incident to the people of God, tho' it may be allo in others, is, When fear and unbelief thwart Confcience, preffing to fuch a duty : As, fuppofe it be a duty that hath many difficulties attending it, as hazard of life, or of Rate, of confinement, or of lhaniíhment, fear and unbelief will come in, and dif_ pure, that fuch and fuch a thing cannot be duty, tho' Confcience fay the contrary ; So it was with Ahaz, Ira, 7. 12. I will not (faith he) ask, neither will I tempt the Lord; In his fear and unbelief,he will not wait the anfwer tf Confcience, neither can he abide to take God's word and dire &ion : But this did not only prevail with wicked never -do-well Ahaz, but it was in a meafure in emi- nently godly Mofes, Exod. 6. i 2. who, in his fear and unbelief, difputeth againft God's clear call, and faith, Win Pharaoh hear me ? As alto, in Jeremiah, who, chap. t. 6. alledgeth againfl God's clear call, that be was but child; and the like of luck excufes and fhifts as thefe being made to God's own calls and anfwers, much more may they be made to the anfwers of Confçiencç. And fo fialzo for the fir, ThP a roes to fthF tb