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072 t Peter 3. r: 16 ;, with the Word, nor have been Jingle in prayer to God for obtaining of it : Ye would alfö look, if there bath been any defeet in advifing with Conjcience, or in pro- poning the cafe to Confcience; and, difcovering the fame, ye would endeavour to amend ,it, and to make a new addrefs, as it were, to your Confcience before God, for. finding out light. idly, Look back on your carriage fnce that darknefs began : For Chriffians may poffibly have been in a tender frame when this darknefs came upon them ; yet, becaufe they get not light fo loon as they would have it, and becaufe the Lord keeps up him felf for a time, it may be their impatience has broken out, and there has been finful wrangling with God in fe -, cret, and the heart hath been fomewhat railed, that he Thould deal fo with them, efpecially when they have, found that they have been honef in the main. Some- what of this was in rob, who took on him, under his dark exercife (as himfelf confeffeth) to meddle too much, and too boldly with God's fecrets, that were too wonderful for him : It may be often thus with believers, who, tho' they may be in a good frame, and keeping up the peace when the dark exercife comes on them, yet confute themfelves by other mifcarriages under ir, and by their carnalnefs in reference to it ; whereby it comes to pals, that the exercife that at firft came from God's fovereignty, turns, in the continuance of it, to be for their fin a chaftifement, which, they are made to take with,whether they will or not : We think this was Yob's cafe, and he was made to take with it ere the, exercife was removed from him. Thefe things ye would look to, and reflex on them, that you may know how to apply yourfelves accordingly, and to do as they !hall call, youä' and as the caufe requires. . The third general Direêfion is, That however things be, perfons. that are in the dark, and yet would be clear of God's mind,about fuch and fuch a duty, would be look- ing well about them,: that they may fee if .there be yet any prefent thing called for from them ; if there be any thing left undone which they may do, and which'they, should do, for finding out God's mind : And' they would go thorowGod's appointed means,and thörow them again, L The