F. aer7n022 3. Gus reafon (that is,reafon drawn from fcripture -grounds,) to order our converfarion fo as the Confcience may have nothing to fay againft it : As for inftance, fuppofe a perfon be debating, whether a publick Ration, or a more private way of living, be the thing he is called of God to, and it may be there is not fuck diftin& and particular clearnefs given about the thing, he would in that cafe be.. take himfelf tó the general rules in fcripture, how to di1_ tern the Lord's mind in the matter. And, for your better help herein, I íhall fir/7 touch on fome general rules that the fcripture lays down, ac- 'cording to which we would walk. Secondly, I thall offer fome helps how to collect and apply from thefe rules. Thirdly, I fhall thew the warrantablenefs of quieting our Confcience, in walking according to them, I f then, I. lhall name `four general rules to which we-would have an eye in reference to lawful things ; the fir whereof is fet down, i Cor. Io. 3o. TIhhatfever ye do, do all to the glory of God. We íhould chufe that Rate of life and calling (and fo in other fuch things) that may conduce rnoi to the glorifying of God : So we are to enter in the difpute or debate, Whether may this or that con tribute molt to that end ?' And accordingly the Confci- ence may well reff quiet, if it once come ro any clear - fefs that this or the other contributes moll to God's glo- ry ; therefore it thould be followed. The fecond gene- ral rule is, I Cor. 14. 26. Let all things he done to edifying. There is a difference between things lawful and things expedient or edifying ; dll things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient ; all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not, faith the apoftle, I Cor. lo. é 23: There is an expedience and regard to the edification of ourfelves and of others, that we would be fwayed with ; s, whether the doing of fuch and filch a thing at this fine or another will edify 'others molt, and prof t them oft as to the faving of their fouls, or help oúrfelveS oft in the mortifying of fome lüft, or in furthering of s to fome duty : 'Here Confcience is to dole' with and h cleave unto that which is molt edifying. A third gem era! rule is, Phil. 4. 8. where, when the apoftle is thew- g them a way how to walk (as we fuppofe) in the fame kind