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+v isry iv 41) The other thing we propofed was, fome helps toward the right application of thefe rules : And here there is great need to look very narrowly to our own way of pro- ceeding : I fhall name four things in reference to this, the 41 whereof is, Thar, the we walk according to a particular rule, yet we mull have a fpecial refpe& to circumftances, that may have great influence upon vary- ing of the cafe,., and would therefore be well obferved; for cafes at all times, and in all perlons, are not alike There is a time (faith the wife man, .Ecclef. g.) for every Thing under the fun. Sometimes folks ought ,at) (peak, and fometimes they ought to keep filence ; foriietimes to laugh, fometimes to weep ; fometimes to get, and fome- times to lofe ; and fo of every thing under the fun. And here we would confider the perfon, who does fuch a thing; it be may honell in one perfon, and not in an- other: Thus Nehemiah fays, Should fetich a man as f flee cfpecially - more noted Chriftians should look to this. Then we íhould confider the place wherein fuch a thing is done, and the perlons before whom it is done: We would air() confider the confequences that may follow on the doing of inch a thing, both as to the perfon's feif, that his own peace be not marred and as to others, that they be no way Humbled, or made worfe. We cannot apply fuch or fuch a particular pra &ice fuitably and right to the rule, except we prefent and oí dr the cafe to be tried by the rule, according to all its circum- fances : A general view of fuch and fuch a cafe, and of the rule, will not do the turn here. A ad Help, for making application of the general rule, is, That we would look well to God's difpenfations, and to thefe things in his way of dealing with us inwardly, and in his providence to us outwardly, that would Teem to point out to us one thing rather than another, this rather than that. Providence, 'tis true, can never make a new -? uty, or a thing that is f nful to he lawful ; but provi- dence may tell a man when he is called to put in pra &ice filch and fuch a pofitive duty : As for inilance, where he fhould live, and in what gate of life ; becaufe pro - vif Pnce may fometimes /hut filch a door, that he can- . 41,Qt