on I Peter 3. z r. 7. r r that the rule would be looked to, and laid before us, and that we would Rudy to make application of it without the leáft by- refpe&, and with the greateff f nglcuefs; and that then we may with fome fafety conclude what fide to fway to. I would not in all this have us debating duty, but our particular call to duty. This may be look_ ed at by many as a very great and hard work, and they may think, that all this makes a great deal of bufinefs a- bout keeping a Confcience void of offence ; and it Both fo indeed. I would have you confidering thefe three words for anfwering fuch thoughts ; I. That it is a great and difficult work to keep a good Confcience ; and ye will find it, that defpife it now, one day to your coff, to have been a great work, and an up- taking exercife yet we would not think the worre of it for that, finca there is nothing excellent that hath not difficulty in it. 2dly, I would fay this, That ye would confider, that, tho there are feveral things indifferent in themfelves, as eating and drinking, marrying, living here or there, &c. yet to us in the pçacìice of them, and as they are circumflattiated, they are not indifferent ; but, when done, they are either finful, as not being according to the rule, or approven and acceptable, as being according to it : We would therefore be very watchful and Lender in our doing and ufing ofthings in themfelves lawful, nane perimus licitïs. idly, Let me fay, That I do not intend by what I have laid to put your Confcience on the rack, or to flint and limit you by art, as it were, to find out light ; for I know there things are not always explicite, even in many confctentious perfons But that which I deign and drive at by this difcaurfe, is, that ye may fe- rioufly mind and look after the thing, and endeavour to walk according to there rules on the matter, and to have the teftìmony of your Confcience, that it is thefe rules you allow yourfelves in fuch cafes to he fwayed and guid- ed by: This will give you peace, and nothing lets will o i r. 6