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80 S'erinô i. always have fomething to fay for or again( a man,in every thing that he goes about ; I fay, a fan&ified Confcience, in a fan&ified frame ; becaufe that is the Confcience we are fpeaking of, and the Confcience that moil completely dif - chargeth its duty, i. If we confider this, that there is no human a &ton, but God bath given man a rule, dire& - ing how it íhall be ordered ; how he íhall ear, and how he (hall drink ; how he Ihall plow, pray, hear, read, confer ; how he shall walk in company, and out of com- pany ; how he (hall go about the duties of his calling And it prefcribes the manner of doing there things, as well as the matter; therefore, i Tim 3. 16, 17. 'tis faid, All fcripture is given by inf iiration of God, and is profitable . for dcétrine, for reproof, for inftrut ion in righteoufnefs, and for corre Lion : That the man of Cod may be bier feet, throughly f 1rnifed tinto every good 'work. It furnifhes him with light and dire &ion, not only in the matter (as I faid) but in the manner of doing. z Confider, that a man in all his a &ions is either walking according and agreeably to that rule, or not ; his a &ion is either conform or difconform to the rule, there is not a mids ; he either doth according to it, or he doth not according to it : If he do the action as the word pre - fcribeth, Confcience hath fomething to fay for him if not, it hath fomething to fay again( him. 3. Confider, that in all a &ions, as they are done or performed, and as circumftantiated, God is either pleafed or difpleafed If the a &ion be done according to his will, he is plea- fed ; if it be not done according to his will, he is dif- pleafed. 4. Confider, that a fan &ified Confcience tak- eth up a man's a &ions and confidereth him in them, not according to the matter only, but alto as they are a- greeable to the rule for the manner, principle, motive, and end ; and teftifeth of them accordingly ; So that, if God have an intereft in all a man's a &ions, a fan &ified Confcience bath alto an intereft in them ; I fay, a fan - Etified Confcience, becaufe it moft Tingly pleadeth God's intereft This is true alto of a natural Confcience according to j; light For even filch a Confcience (as it is laid, Rom. i