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F on itomans 9. f . _ 3 as the -great and ultimate end. Sitting down on an inferi- our end will furnifh a ground of challenge to the Confci- ence againft the perlons. The 2d is, That it be from a cleanly motive ; that not only it be a lawful and good thing which we do, but that it be done out of Confci- ence to God, and as fervice to him ; fora man may do a good a &ion, and not do it as fuch : As for inálance, one man may give alms, and fin in the doing of it ; and ano- ther, in giving, may offer an acceptable facrifice to God Therefore Chrift faith, Alatth. io. 42.. and Mark 9. 41. JP'hofoever giveth to drink to one of thefe little ones, a cup of cold water, in the name of a difciple, viz. confdering him as fuch, and giving it to him as fuch a one, or in the name of, and becaufc he belongs to Chrift ; on that account, and under that confideratión, and being fwayed by that, as his motive, verily be /hall in no wife lofe his reward. Thus two men may fuffer both alike unlufily from a churlifh mafter or fuperior : The one of whom may have no thanks, nor peace in his fuflerings; when the other fuffering chriftianly, out of Confcience, to God, and in obedience to his command, that calleth him to it, is accepted and bath peace ; This is thank worthy, (faith the apoftle, i Pet. 2. 19.) rf a man for Confcience fake endure grief, and firer wrongfully : So in the love of a husband to his wite, and of a parent to his or her child ; 'ris on thing to love on a mere natural account, and ano- ther thing to love fuch a relation, chriftianly, and out of Confcience to God ; tho' the former is not condem- ned, yet Otis this latter that maketh it to be a conici entious and acceptable love before God. The 3d is,. That the a &ion be gone about in the right' manner, as fuch a particular aelrion or duty is commanded to be done : As for inflance, if it be a word of inflrudiop or admonition given by us to another, that it be giveta prudently, lovingly, and tenderly ; or, whatever the a&ion be in reference to others, that our manner of go- ing about it be fuch as may adorn the doctrine of Chrift, and make the action to Thine the more convin- cingly to others, becaufè of our fuitable way of difchar.- ging at ; that we may have a teflimony in their Confc1- erce, and may gain them, or further gain them ;o the tti °a iov