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n omans 9. i. 187 dleth, t. Conffantly. 2. It rneddleth in all forts of things ; it puts the mart when he hath fpoken to learch his heart, whether he thought as he faid. 3. It fpeaks in the Holy Ghoft, according to the mind of God, and in- terefts itfelf, on God's account, cleanly, fpiritually, and impartially, without all by- refpe& to the man. The third ufe is for reproof to thefe that misken Con. $ fcience, and rake none at all, or but very little notice of it in the molt part of their life. Ah, ho w few are they that think and believe that Confcience is concerned in all their words and a &ions ! And as for thoughts, they are looked on by fuch as free, and therefore they never look what it Pays of them, and fo fpoil themfelves of its tefti- mony, and lofe their labour in not refpe&ing it. The 4th u/e is of exhortation; and we would ferioufly exhort you all to amend this great fault reproved, vit. the mifregaarding of Confcience, and to refpe& Confci- ence in every thing, and to regard it more in your going out and coming in, in folitude and fociety, in every .thing ye do. Suffer not yourfelves to be cheated into a groundlefs apprehenfion, that any of your a &ions, even the commoneft, as circumftantiate, are of fo little mo- ment, that Confcience hath no concern in them ; and, if it bath, then I befeech you, take heed what it fays, and whether it teflifies for or againf% you ; and do not think that Confcience is officious, and meddles in a bufinefs that concerneth it not, except ye think that there are forne parts of your life that fhould not at all be religious, but that you are left in them to live as you lift. 'Tis oft - times our fault, that we limit Confcience to this and that par- ticular a &ion that is of forne confìderable concernment, and fomeway shut it out as having no concern in thefe of leffer moment ; and many, alas ! fhoulder it out from the tra& of their life, and current of their a &ions, ler this by any means be amended.