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191 hear trawl, L. A The fiirft ufe ferves to give you an evidence and mark ofd tender walk, and of a man that is tender in his walk ; he is fuch a man that will not only ask his Confei0 ence ere he begin an a&ion, but when he is a doing of it, what it thinketh of ir. There are three things that a tender Chriffian will reffe& upon, in the time of his do- ing an a &ion or duty ; r. He will reflex upon his man - ter of performing it, whether it be a natural a &ion, fuch as eating and drinking ; a civil a &ion, fuch as buy- ing and felling ; a religious action, fuch as praying or hearing, &c. He will look that in them all he be Tingle ; that his eating and drinking be to fit him to ferve God ; that,in his buying and felling, he Reek not only his own things, but the good of his neighbour, as well as his own good ; that in his praying or hearing he be fincere, that it be in faith, and according to the will of God, &c. z. He will reffe& on himfelf in the performing of bis a&ions, that he be in a right frame, that he be ten- der and fincere, that force awe of God and of a good Confcience be on him, that his fpirit be lober and com- poled, that a carnal frame fteal not in upon him in the time of his doing a warrantable a &ion, or a comman- ded duty, becaufe that will mar it. 3. He will retied upon his Confcience, that he may hear what it Pays of the a &ion ; he will not, as it were, take his teftimony from himfelf, but Confcience beixg as a diffin& thing, force way from himfelf, he will hear what it faith : As Paul doth here ; it is truth which he fpeaketh, and he fpeaketh it in the right manner ; and yet he taketh a look of his Confcience, if he be doing fo in very deed, to wit, fincerely, as in the fight of God Yea more, he taketh the teftimony of his Confcience if it be not fo ; and thus here he looketh not to, nor refle&eth on, his Confcience, to alter any piece of his way, but to have its fenfe of that piece of it : He gathers, that the aftion is good from the word; and he enquires ìf he be, and colle&s that he is, right in the performance, from his Confcience teflifying according to the word So that he will not truft himfelf, but goeth to Confcience, as be- ing more impartial, to take its teftimony. The reafor 'then (as I (aid before) why few Chriftians have fol peace