2o4 Sermon 20 proving teáimony. For helping us to keep this good ço,rrefpondence with our Confcience in all our aétions, which hath fo great a firoke upon a Chriftian walk, upon cheerful and folacious Chrifcian walk ; we would now add thefe following dire &ions to thofe formerly given to the fame purpofe ; The iii whereof is, That in un- ,dertaking of a &ions or duties we would be very delibe- rate, clear and fixed. zdly, We would Rudy to walk fo- berly and compofedly, and to be always in a good frame. Raihnefs, precipitancy, haflineis, inadvertency, levity and untendernefs, are very crofs to thefe two direai- ons; as is alto parting with Confcience zs it were in the way, and not bringing it up with us. idly, We would be much in ejaculatory prayer, frequenting God's throne much, often darting up blinks unto him, and into our own (elves, and our Confciences, intermixing thefe. fl.thly, We would be much in felf-examination : This is in force refpe& the life of a good Confcience; for, where there is not felf- examination or refle&ion,we either are not right, or elfe know not if we be ,right and no thanks to us, if we be not wrong. 5thly, We would ftudy to have an holy indignation at, and a aria watch fet againft the very firíf rifings of any thing that may in the leaf( offend Confcience : Alas ! we ofttimes obferve not our own de- clinings and fallings from a good frame, nor the ftir- rings of force one luff and corruption or another, which would be refilled in the beginning; for the one of thefe weareth out the other. 6tlly, As we would endeavour, if we would have a good teílimony from our Confcience, much finglenefs and fincerity in the whole of our walk ; and would, in every duty, endeavour to be fetting our - áelves as in the fight of God, and under his all- Peeing eye; nothing more marreth the teílimony of Confcience than un- ínglenefs, and nothing contributes more to it than tingle- , 'Tis a good word that the apoftle bath, z Cor. 2 lafl,We are rot as many, which corrupt the word of God ; but as of fncerity, as of God, in the fight of God, fpeak we in Chrift. Preaching is a good work, yet there were many preachers that had not a good teílimony from their Con icience in that good work ; but Paul had it and that which wade him to have it, was his fincerity and finglenefs, that he