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v/b G _,'_r . L. L¿. Z V f ends, nor my own good in a carnal way, neither by-car- nal reafon profecuting the work of the miniftry : The other three are _pofitive ; the zd is fimplicity, that is, a holy finglenefs in reference to the end ; he was a ftraight up- right Tingle man, and in nothing double. The 3d is, that it was in godly fincerity ; and this, not only as 'tis oppofite to grofs hypocrify and diffimulation, but as it differs from mere moral honeffy : He walked not only in a civil moral honeft way, as merely moral and civil men ufe to do, in their bargainings, and other dealings.; but in godly fincerity, doing every thing as in God's fight; as he lays of himfelf, Chap. z. y. lift, We are rot as many, who corrupt the word of God ; but as of fincerity, as of God, in the fight of God, fpeak we in Chrifä. The 4211 charaffer whereby he proves that he had this teffiñiony, and was Aired of ir, ts, That he did not what he did by his own ftrength, or by the ftrength of nature, but by the grace of God ; which thews (as we faid before) that this teftimony reached no further then from the time of his converfion. The firfi of thefe pofitive characters or evidences thews the finglenefs of his end ; the fecond thews his finglenefs in the way of profecuting that end; the third (hews the principle whereby or wherefrom he a &ed; it was not carnal reafon that gave him counfely nor nature that ílrengthned him, but grace. In thefe words then we have, i. A Short and fweet compend of a Chriftian and comfortable life, and of the advantage of a good Confcience. z. We have the way how to attaint, and how to entertain and maintain the fame. The apoftle (in a word) being now put to it, and having both foes and friends on his top, he tak- eth a back -look of bis life, and rele &s on what was his carriage towards all men, and towards the Corinthi- ans more particularly, and finds his Confcience teftify.. ing for him as to both ; and on this teftimony of his Confcience, well proved, and made out, he quietly fet- tles and joyfully cheereth himfelf; Having already fpo -_ ken of what ufe Should be made of Confcience before, and in the time of our doing any thing; we have now chofen thefe words, to Thew what ufe fhould be made of Conscience in reference to what is pot. Not to (land on every