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on 2 Con ï. iz; 3¡t pierced and mourn. Hence it is found in experience, that the more infight a man bath in his bygone way, the more liberty he hath in prayer ; and that deadnefs and drynefs in prayer flow much from the want of felf -refle&ion. 4. Becaufe this is the way for a man to win at peace; and no man can be tender, and have folid peace, that cares not what his confcience (peaks to him, whether good or evil, peace or war ; and he can never know what it faiths except he refleét and try : And it is from this, that even Paul himfeif cannot have peace, nor rejoice, till he try his peace and joy to be the effe&s of Confcience its tefti- mony, and Confcience teftimony to be the confequent of felf examination. The Ufes of the Do&rine are four, the III whereof is for inftru &ion, the zd for trial, the 3d for exhortations the 4th for reproof and expoftulation. The i/íß Ufe, T fay, is for inftru&ion. Would ye know and be inftru&ed in a main piece of a Chriftian walk and practice ? here it is, to be often reflecting on your bygone way, and hearing what Confcience faith of it; to be look- ing from your youth up what ye have done, what have been your more habitual thoughts, words and actions, and hearing what Confcience faith of them, of fuch a word or difcourfe, of fuch a voyage or journey, and fo of other a &ions ; and to be putting it to pats its fentence on them, and to be trying whether we have peace in them, and Con- fcience its good teflimony concerning them, or not. To this purpofe we might alledge in that place, Rev. 4. 6, 8. (which we fuppofe to be mainly and molt properly meant of tender minifters of the Gofpel; yet it may well, by proportion, be applied to tender private Chriftians) where thefe four- beafls are faid to have eyes before and behind, and to be full of eyes within : Eyes before, intima- ting, that they íhould be tender in finding out what is to be done : Eyes within, intimating, that they ihouid be watchful over their own heart and way, over their own prefent frame and walk; looking not only before, behind, and about them, but within themfelves : And Eyes behind, intimating, that tender Chriftians should have, and in force meafure indeed have, an eye (as we ufe to fpeak of very watchful and accurately obferving 0