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on , Cor. T. 2; 1r; Confcience bath paff, as it were from our own mouth ; fomewhat like that word, Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit itf f bearetb witnefi with our fpirits, that we are the children of God : In our felf- examination and judging we are a &ive, but in Confcience, its palling fentence, we are paffive, as being therein filled before the judge ; and when Confcience hath faid, we fay : However we put them together, and have marked it for this reafon ; becaufe ofttimés, when we examine and take a look of ourfelves, and of our way, we are difpofed to think that we have done enough ; and, as loon as the indi & - ment is read, we run away from the bar, and do not a- bide and flay for Confcience its decifion, as if we knew what it will fay before -hand. Again, fometimes we are difpofed to judge ourfelves, and to pals or leap over both examination and Confcience's fentence; being thus precipitant, and prepofterous to prevent any trouble änd apprehended horror that may attend the fentence of Confcience ; and are ready to fay, that we know not what it will fay, before it be put to the trial : And this is a reafon why many will take with a convi &ion, but it .hath no weight with them, nor flicks to them, becaufe it is their own, as it were, and not Confcience its fen - tence : Therefore ye would by all means join together thefe three ; ufe fell examination, judge and pats fen - tence on yourfelves (as we are willed, i Car. i i. 2$ i.) but mils not this couple, viz. refleEting upon, and obferving of what Confcience bath to fay; for this knit- - teth the firft and the fait together : And, if they be not thus knit, they will fall afunder, and come to nothing. The 2d Cfe is for trial. Take it then for an evi- dence and mark of a tender Chriflian thus to refle& on a perfon's walk and a &ions when he path done them. The tender Chriflian will thus relic& on his way and a &ions done, tho' it were for many years pall, and will judge impartially, according to what Confcience bath to fay of them ; They here behave like unto faith- fill ambafladors or meffengers, who being commiffionate in force bufinefs, and, having gone about it, will fifl them - felves before thefe that gave them the commition, o hear O3 thif