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VI92 z kdorinrnians I. I z. 2 i y tries his very belt a &ions, were it even thofe of a man's miniftry, of his preaching, prayer, &c. Not as fome, who think it enough to reflect only on finful a &i- ons, fuch as fwearing, lying, deceiving, oppreffing, &c. which need but little trial, the finfulnefs of them be- ing often obvious, as it were, at firft blulh ; but the ten- der man trieth thefe a &ions that have the beg appea- rance, that he may know if they be in very deed, what they appear to be. 3. He is particular in his trial ; he not only trieth his converfation in the general, but (as Paul doth here) his converfation at fuch a time, in fuch a place, and in fuch company,. O in how inany parti- culars Both holy yob inflance ! Chap. 31. 4. A tender man will go far back, even when old, to the fins of his youth, as David does, when he prays, Pfal. 25. 7. Re- member not again me the fins of my youth. I remember godly Jugufine, in his Confenions, goeth as far back as he can remember; and not only ió, but he lays, that, when he looked on the little cankerings and froward - nefs of infants, he was put to think of what were the firft out breakings of his finful nature, when he was on the breaft : David looketh far back, when he lays, Pfal. 51. 5. I was fapen in iniquity, and in fin did my mother conceive me. 5. He is frequent in refle&ing and trying, and the more tender, the more frequent ; he will not readily let flip, nor fuffer to pats one day without it ; yea, he will fometimes try often in one day, on the back of this and that piece of his walk, efpecially of any more folemn a &ion ; yea (which is yet more) he will come often over one and the fame a &ion or thing, fo that, when he bath taken a look of it to-day, he- will take another look of it to-morrow, knowing that there is a depth of iniquity in the heart, that is not loon nor eafi - ly plumbed ; he looketh often on the fame a &ion, that he may find it gut, that the difcovery and fenfe of it may be the more frefh and deeply aflè&ing for his hu- miliation : Ir is on this ground that the apoffle fpeaketli of his having a good Confcience, whereof, if the teflimo- ny be approving, the frequent going over it maketh it to be the more vive, clear and comfortable. (Secondly, This may be known (as I Paid) by the ef_ 04 feas