1 y oerman I, £. &s of it, which are notable ; for, I. A tender man that is frequent in refle&ing thus, is a watchful man The bitings of Canfcience by its challenges for paf and bygone fins, make him look better to himfelf for the time to come, and put him, with holy and tender Yob, Chap. 31. to make a covenant with his eyes, that he may look right on, and not wander ; to covenant with his afre &ions, that they wander and range not up and down in purfuit of the world, and of the variety of vain ob- je&s therein, to the diverting of him from a dole and confiant purfuit after God. z. He can give a difiin& ac- count of himfelf and of his way, and doth not readily' and eafily forget things, but is in cafe to give an account of this which he did, and of that which he (poke; as yob infianceth, in a multitude of particulars, Chap. ;1. he can give a legend, as it viere, of his life ; which I fear but few of us can do to good purpofe, this way. I re.. member, that holy man Augufline tells, that at fuch a time, while he was finging a Pfalm, he obferved his heart ready to ftray, and to be more taken up with the external mufick, than with fpiritual joy in God; and relates feveral of his pranks when he was a child, 3. He is a man difiin& and full in the confeflion of fin he never wanteth an evil tale (to (peak fo) to tell of himfelf, yea, he muff, and will tell it, when it may glorify God, and edify others; he can fpeak particularly of the evil of his heart, and of his way, he is not a firanger to it; neither Both he hide his fin as Adam, as yob fpeaks, Chap. 4.1. 33. It is, fure one great reafon why we are fo little in the exercife of repentance, even that we are fo little in the exercife of Pelf refle &ion. 4. He is fuitably affe&ed with that which he difcovereth; he not only Teeth his way with this and that and the other a &ion, but it toucheth him. One great reafon why we fee fo many fins, and are fo little affe&ed with them, is, that We take not the cenfiure of them from Confcience, and confider not duly what weight its fenfe and cenfure of them Thould have with us And, by proportion, this is a reafon why Chrifiians are fo little comforted in good p.tions. 5. The refie &ing tender man is a praying man;