\ v/v v va>>u suae +e.+.v a yc, a as he is much in confeing of fin, fo he is much in pray ter and ferious in it, and at no time readily more fre- quent and ferious, than when his fin is before him, as David's fin was ever before him, Pfal. 51. 3. which makes him fo very ferious in prayer there. And, as he is feri- ous in prayer, fo he path much holy indignation at fin, and a great lothing at himfelf (or it ; he can fpeak fui- tably of it, and demoftrate the vilenefs of it to the life, and aggravate it to the height, while he fays, .Againfb thee, thee only have 'finned, and done this evil in thy fight He looks not at it as a fin of inf irmiy, but as a fn com- mitted with a high hand. I know (faith he) thou love truth in the inward parts ; but I have thus far played the hypocrite, coming out with a fair thew before men, when fin was raging in fecret within me. Thus, 2 Cor. 7. it. True Repentance is defcríbed from its e$é&s, it hath holy and high indignation and revenge attending refle- aions on it, Ezek. 16. 61. and, Chap. 36. 31. there is a remembring, a blueing, a being a jbamed, and a lathing of them/elves : The man is thus vile in his own eyes, thinks very little of himfelf, and lothes himfelf very much. 6. He is well content when he difcovereth a ground of challenge where it is ; he hunts not after approbation and applaufe, but is fatisfied to have a jufi and neceffary chal- lenge, as well as to be approven, tho' the one bath much more peace and comfort with it than the other ; Let the righteous fmite me (faith the Pfalmifl, l'fal. 141. 5.) and it jhall be a kindnefs ; and let him reprove me, and it fhall be an oil that jhall not break mine head ; fo, when his Con - fcience frniteth him, it a&s, in his efleem, the part of a good friend ; he welcometh it when there is ground for it, and repineth not againft it. 7. He bath a deep im- preflon of the majefiy of God-on his fpirit; for his lay- ing fo great a weight on Confcience his depute, fuggefls to him the fuitableiefs of thinking highly of God him- felf, and of carrying with due reverence to him. When men think little of God himfelf, they think little of Confcience his depute ; and, on the contrary, a tender Confcience makes God very awful, dreadful, and maje- flick: Therefore yab gives this for a reafon, why he durft not