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210 sermon T. not contend with his fervants, becaufe the terror of God made him' afraid. His carrying along with him Confcience its fenfe of his way, did mightily elevate his thoughts of God. 8. He bath many errands to God in Chrill, he Teeth many things amifs that need to be amended, he daily difcovers much guilt, which necefitates him to run to God for abfolution Grace, both for pardoning of his iniquities, and for healing of his difeales, is always lovely, fweet and frefh to him ; and, to hear of it, is like a box of precious fragrantly finelling ointment broken, like oil poured into a fmarting wound, and as good news form a far country. By all which, in a word, ye may fee, i. That it is a defirable thing to live and walk tenderly. z. That it is a molt neceffary thing, in order to coming by many choice advantages. 3. That it is but a very rare thing, and to be found with but few, notwithflanding its many rare and excellent e$è &s, 4. That it is a very hard and difficult thing to be a tender Chrif}ian, and in this frame of true tendernefs of Confcience, confalting it, carrying it along, and refle &ing on it in 411 a &ions ; that being the principle that keepeth tender in them all. NS WASNWSMAe7tWS:VASMWSMON SERMON II. Cor. i. 12. For our rejoicing is this, the tefli- mony of our Confcience, that in rmplicity and godly fincerity, not with fzefbly wrfdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our converfation in the world, and more abundantly to you - wards. THER E are many very fad and prejudicial pra &i- cal errors and miflakes concerning a tender Chriflians's walk, whence it cometh to pafs, that moll perfons lay the great firefs thereof on things that will pot beardit, while, in the mèan time, they negle& and o erlook thole principal and weighty duties wherein