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vu VV 1.111C1iAa11J 1 IL. r +J it mainly confiffeth, that make lefs noife and íhew be- fore men, that are lefs fubjeét to be counterfeited, and tend more to the life and power of godlinefs, than thefe other things, that are of more high efteem with men; among which this duty of often rcfle&ing on a man's Confcience, and trying of his way at its bar, that he may know its fenfe, and receive its teffimony thereof, is one, and not the leaf} ; and is, (as we conceive) one of the pieces of a Chriffian tender walk, that cometh as near to the very foul and life of religion, and hath as much influence on tendernefs therein, as either much hearirg of the word, prayer, conference, and the like have ; to which, when this is joined, they are very ufe- ful ; but, when it is utterly wanting, they are ufelefs ; it being not only an important duty in itfelf, but alto very helpful to other duties, contributing much to the reaping of.thofe advantages that are to be had by them. ' We obferved the other day from thefe words, That a tender Chriflian will be often refle&ing on his way, and taking notice what Confcience faith of it ; and fpoke .femewhat to twit) ufes of the point, as it cleareth a notable duty, and giveth an evidence and proofof a tender man We !hall no` 1 proceed to fpeak to other two ; the firff and principal whereof is this, If it be a main piece of a tender Chriflian walk, to be often examining our (elves, and trying what fenfe Confcience hath of our way and a &ions ; then it ferveth for Exhortation to all men and women that would live tenderly, to he putting this in pra &ice, as a main piece of a Chriftian and tender walk, as a main duty called for from them, and as a main evidence of their tendernefs ; that is, to be often feri- oufly reffe&ing on their bygone way, to be often bring- ing their thoughts, words and aetions before the tribu- nal of Confcience, for this end, that they may know what it faith of them ; not only to be deliberating and ad- vifing with Confcience before they undertake any a- &ion, and to be watchful in going about it, but to be reieting when it is done, if it be rightly done, and fo as Confcience may teffify for them concerning the fame This is Paul's practice here) This is (fays he) our re-