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220 4Yerm011 2. joicing, the teftimony of our Confcience : Which fuppofeth that he hath been laying his way before Confcience, try_ ing what it Paid of it, and that he hath received Confci- ence its teftimony concerning it. That which we would in a word here commend to you, is, that men and wo- men would take a back -look of and refle& upon all their a&ions, words and thoughts, and of and upon all the circumfiances of the fame ; and that they would fo reflect upon them, as they may endeavour to know wherein they have Confcience its teftimony for them, or where- in it ífandeth up to fpeak againft them : That is, that that they would not only fludy to gather into their memo- ry theirr a &ions, which is prefuppofed, and to lay them before the word ; but further, when their a &ions and the rule of the word are laid togther, to hear Confcience its fentence anent their performing of the fame. We (hall not infiff in particular explication of this duty, ye have heard fomewhat fpoken of it thefe days pat} ; if we could but gain this much of you, as to have you throughly convinced, that fomewhat lies on you, in reference to the examination of your hearts and ways, as to things that are paff, and to get you in good earneft engaged to make more Confcience of this duty for time to come, it is the great thing we aim at ; and if your Confciences were once duly convinced and cleared of the necef city and ufefulnefs of the duty, and ye brought to be in love w ith it, ye would through grace be eafily led on to the particulars requifite to the right way of performing it. Serioufnefs in, and affe &ion to, the thing, would £apply the room of many dire&ions : And there- fore we would now earneffly prefs it upon you, to take fome time for this duty of felf-fearching and examinati- on, as well as for prayer, hearing, conference, and other filch duties ; and to be as holily folicitous and defirous to know when ye have done any a &ion or duty, whether it be right or wrong, as ye think ye fhould be careful to advife before ye do it, that it be good upon the matter. Sure, the awe of the majefty of God, and of your Confci- ence his depute, and a tuft regard to your own peace, fhould incline, fway, and determine you to the one, a vital as to the other.