on 2 Corinthians r. I2. 224 What we fhould further fay in this matter, shall be to Thew you, what ye fhould aim at in this felf- examination, as to the manner of going about it (for we much mar and wound our own peace, by formality and overlinefs in this, as in other duties) which ye may take up in thefe four ; t. We would labour in our felf- examination to be up at that diflin&nefs, that through grace may be win at, that we may be fo very clear as to be in cafe to fay, I wot well I was right at fuch time, and wrong at fuch a- nother time; in this I was right, and in that I was wrong: Yea, fo clear and di fain& would we be as we might, if called to it, be ready to give our oath on it ; as Paul loth in the place we fpoke on before, viz. Rom. 9. I. I fay the truth in Chrifl (lays he) and lie not, my Confci- ence bearing me witnefs in the holy Chofl. There would not be gueffing at things, but we would be throughly diftiu& and clear : Therefore yob, (peaking of the evi- dences of his integrity, chap. 31. propofeth them by way of curie ; being fo very confident, that he durit confirm what he alferted with a curie on himfelf, if it fhould be found to be otherwife than he faid. idly, We would examine and look on our way, till we be brought under fome fuitabie impreffion of the awe and dread of the Majefty of God, and of his abfolute dominion and fove- reignty over us : Thus holy fob faith of himfelf, when thus exercifed, Chap. 31. 23. Deflruëtion from the Al- mighty was a terror to me, and by reafon of Li bighnefs I couldnot endure. We never follow out felf- examination far enough, till it leave fome impreffion of this kind on our fpirits: 3d1ÿ, It would be followed till we be af- fe &ed with what difcovery we get in the fearch of our own way : '1i§ not enough barely to take a look or view of it, but we would (I fay) look on it fo, as we may be fuitably afte &.ed with it ; that either it may give us folid peace and jo from clearnefs that we are right ; or elfe a fenfible to4h with the íharpnefs of a challenge, for that whereofe are clearly convinced is wrong: And men are never'. rightly exercifed in the work of felf ex- rnination, and of refle &ion on their Confcience, till fomething of this be. There is a great difference be- twixt bare light, and a well - informed, and tender Con - foience ;