.2 Z Sermon 2. fcience : Confcience s fence of a thing is of more weight, and is more divine, and hath fome more of the majef }y of God in it, than bare light or convi&ion of the )iudg. ment ; it will neither fraile nor frown, but it will fui. tably affet the man with fume inward comfort or furrow for it prefenteth God, either as trailing or frowning 4tbiy, We would follow this work of felf- examination and felf- reflexion, till we be clear and fully perfwaded, as to the duty we are called to, after fuch examination ; as when a man findeth things to be wrong, Confcience will fay, There is here a neceffity of repentance and humiliation,and of fleeing to Jefus Chriff, for taking a- way the guilt thereof; and of letting about the righting and amending of things ; and, till a man come to be clear in that which he is called to by felf-examination, he fol. loweth it not forth aright, and as he ought to do. The á- pof }le, (peaking of wordly and of godly forrow, 2 Cor. 7. io, I I. giveth thefe evidences of godly forrow (a fruit of felf- examination) that it not only was waited in the Corinthians with a fight of the fault, but it touched them in the quick for it, and affe &ed them with holy indig- nation at it, and with true zeal to have it removed ; and that, withal, it fuffered them not to reff till they endea. voured by all means a clearing of themfelves ; Behold (faith he, v. I I.) the felf -fame thing ye forrowed after a godly fort, what carefuinefs it wrought in you ; yea, what clearing of yourfelves ; yea, what indignation, &c. A man that offers to let about felf examination, and yet lies !fill in the fault that is difcovered thereby, and is no more affe &ed with it, than if he were not at all guilty of it, nor any more now, after the difcovery made in the fearch inclined to flee to Chrift than when he began ; his felf- examination is fure not right : We would there- fore ferioufly recommend to you thefe four to be well heed- ed and carried along with you in your profecuting this work of felf`examtnation. To preis this a little, We would confider thefe three; z. The clearnefs of the duty ; z. The profitablenefs and excellency of it 3. The neceffity of it : By all which we may be convinced of a neceffity lying upon us, to press it, and upon you to pra &ife it. The Lord htm- felf