2 0 Sermon 2. ing to balk none, but to go through all, before ye give over the work ; it will be better to betake yourfelves to the fearch and examination of fuch or fuch a particular duty, or of fuch or fuch a day's -work and duties ; and thus ye will win the better in on it, and through it, and the heap will grow the lefs But meddle not with ano- ther, till ye have, with force fuitablenefs, difpatched and put by this. idly, If ye cannot win for the time fo to fix on particulars, take your confufed condition, filch as it is, to think on a while, and look not at this as nothing, that ye have found your condition to be confufed ; Da- vid's condition was fomewhat thus, when he fays, Pfal. 44. 15. MY conf of on is continually before me. The ta- king, and laying of your cafe, confufed as it is, before God and your Confciencee may help to humble and kind- ly to affe& your heart. 4tbly, The more confuted your cafe be, Peek to take it fo much the more to God, and to draw the nearer to him ; let it be made a motive to fet you on to deal the more ferioufly with him to difpel your darknefs and confufion, as Yob does, while he fays, Chap. 10. 15. I am full of confußon, therefore fee thou to my afillition. As if he had laid, Lord, I cannot rid nor or- der my cafe; therefore fee thou to it, and give me clear- nefs: For, th& a perfon have a confufed condition, yet be may be fomewhat diftin &, in laying it out before i God as it s, and may be clear in what Confciccnce faith of it, when it faith it is confufed. 5tbly, Whether our Condition be confufed, or not, we would be fuitably af- fe&ed with every particular that we find in it ; and this may be one reafon of our confufion, that we have more clearnefs than we improve well ; we fee many things to be wrong, but the fight affe&s us not, neither do we fuitably endeavour to repent of the evils which we fee, nor to amend them, nor do we flee to Jefus Chrift to get them pardoned and cured c But, when the little clearnefs that we have is well unproven, it is the way to get more ; but what need is there of more light, and of more clearnefs, when that which we have is not duly made ufc of A ;d Obje5lion is, Some may think, and fay, We are á ying t lf- examinatioan and yet we find much diffi- culty