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0 12 2 Lor. I. 12. 231 culty to know and take up Confcience its language, whether it be a well - grounded challenge, or an approving teftimony. This obje &ion is much like unto that Rue- - Ilion which we (poke to a little in our fecond fermon on Ails 24. 16. viz. Whether Conference its impulfe might not fometimes be wrong ? To which we anfwered affir- matively ; and do yet grant, that it may mifrake, and be miftaken by us : And what we Paid there, for finding out the mind of Confcience, may be ufeful here towards the anfwering of this Ob./alien; yet we fhall now fpeak a word further to it : For Anjwer, then, we íhall eafily yield, that it is indeed fometimes difficult to find out the mind (to fay fo) of Confcience, and to underfIand its language, in refie &ing, as well as in deliberating; ei- ther, I. the dimnefs of people's light, that they fcarcely know the rule. Or, z. Thro' their being par-. tial and negligent in comparing their way and a &ions with the rule ; but either hide it wholly, or at leaff Tome Circumftances of it, without bringing it forth and laying it to the rule. Or, 3. It may be through fome biafs in their affe &ion, that maketh them unfingle, fo that they will not take with a challenge, when there is-- juft ground for it. Or, 4. It may be from fome unwar- rantable and groundlefs prejudice at themfelves, and their own way; fo that they will not take a teftimony from Confcience, even when it giveth them a good one. And therefore, in your felt examination, ye would car - ry fome advertifements along with you, which will be helpful to find out the mind of Confcience ; t. Ye would try whether Confcience be impartial, and if it fpeaketh to both hands (to fày fo) accufing in tome things, and cxcufing in others ; in fome things fpeaking peace, and in others challenging for fin : For, if, when we refle&, Confcience fpeak at all, or only peace, it is certainly wrong, becaufe in the belt there is lets or more guilt contra &ed in whatever ye go about ; but if, betide what is right, it points all() at fomething that is wrong, it is Confcience's right language. On the contrary, when ye refle &, if Confcience fpeak all to be wrong, tho' there was fome fincerity in your aim, it is miftaken : For, when it fpeaketh aright it fpeaketh always according to the 1' 4 mind