X ;¢ Sermon 2. fiance, and is more aflé &ed with, and exercifed about that, than with and about another of far greater con- cernment ; It is not fure any awe of God, nor of Con- jcience, but fomewhat flowing from the man's own incli nation or interefl, that fo mightily influenceth and fir - reth him in the one, beyond what he is in the other. 4thly, Ye would advert in a fpecial manner to this, if Confcience in the challenge maketh the fin vile and abomi- nable to you, and yourfelves lothfom to yourfelves : When Confcience whets (to fay fo) the edge of the chal- lenge, not only to the making of God's wrath terrible, and the awe, fear -and dread of him weighty, but alto to the deep affe &ing of ourfelves with the vilenefs and lothfomnefs of the thing, 'tis an evidence that the Confci- ence is right : For, as 'tis a good token of the fbundnefs of repentance, when it maketh fin, as fuch, lothfom ; fo 'tis a good token of Confcience fpeaking rightly, when it holdeth forth convincingly the finfulnefs of fin. 5thly,Ye may know when Confcience fpeaketh aright, by the na- tive fruits that follow upon it ; fuch as thefe, i. It maketh a deep impreffron of the awe of God, and of the fear of fin on the heart ; it maketh the fpirit more corn- poled, flayed and prefent, when, after felf-examinati- on rightly gone about, Confcience fpeaketh its own lan- guage ; for it knoweth that God fpeaketh, and hath ibrt of divinenefs with it. 2. It maketh the man more watchful, and the lother to adventure on fm for the time to come. 3. It flilleth and calmeth the heart; O but that be a flately and majeftick word, Pfal. 46. Be frill, and know that I am God ! For we cannot con- ceive God to be fpeaking, if we be right, but the fpi- rit will he calmed to hear, and will he gathered in from its waverings, gadings and vaigings, when it knoweth that he fpeaketh ; all which we may fee, Pfal. 4. 3, 4. Stand in awe and fan not: Where he exhorteth to holy fear and watchfulnefs ; and the mean to bring both a- bout is, Commune with your hearts upon your beds: Be- take yourfelves to this work (as if he had laid) of Ièlf- examination : And then the third follows, Be frill, as being flayed and fixed, quieted and calmed, againft eling to and fro, up and down, and againft all flrug- gling