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o12 2 Cor. I. 12. 2 3 5 gling with God, and fretting at his providence, becaufe ye have to do with him, and not with men. We thail not proceed further for the time ; only ye may fee from what bath been fdd, if we look fingly on it, That there is here a molt clear, ufeful, and neceffary duty at all times, and more efpecially at this time : We fay, efpecially at this time, for there reafons ; i. Becaufe of the common and general fecurity, and formal way of going about duty, that is flollen in amongfl Chriflians at this time ; and there cannot be a better mean to help this, than to give ourfelves to the exercife of felf_exami- nation, and to the trial of our ways : This, ferioufly gone about, would make us rouze and ftir up ourfelves in good earueft, to cry mightily to God : And if this be a time that bath fuch an evil in it, as great fecurity and formality ; and if this be a duty that may, through God's blefling, help the fame, let none complain of overlinefs, coldnefs, and lifelefnefs in religion, that is not Teri-- oufly minding and going about this, as a neceffary, pro- fitable and excellent mean to amend it. 2. Becaufe there is much falfe bulk, and empty thew of a profefe on, which, we are afraid, but a very little trial will quickly evidence and difcover to be fo, even to be un- thre work. I will not fay but there may be force f cker- nefs and folidity in the profeffion of force ; but it is to be feared, that many others are but building caftles in the air, cailles of comedown, when the rain fhall defcend, the winds blow, and the floods beat, having much more thew than fubflance and folid work ; and the way to make it ticker, lure and folid work, that will abide the trial, is, to lay it to the rule, and to try it thereby. Many profeft Chriftians are like to foolith builders, who build by guels, and by rule of thumb (as we ufe to fpeak) and not by fquare and rule; and, if they have bue bulk enough, they look not much to the folidity and itraight- nefs of the &brick : There are many engagements come under, many failings, prayers, hearings of the word, &c. (which are good in themfelves, and commendable) but there would be felf- examination, to fee what folidity is in them all, elfe we will be like the men who expend all their hock on the hone and timber -work of a large houfe,