and would alto know, that, if it be flighted, the greater will our guiltinefs be, that have fo many things urgently calling us to it : Whether then ye remember all or molt, or many particulars, or not, remember and carry along with you this general,That ye have a Confcience, and that ye are called and concerned to remember, to refleE on, and to examine your ways at the bar of Confcience well - informed by the word ; and if ye be fuirably ferious in the general, God will gracioufly condefcend to lay par- ticular helps to your hand. _ _ *.. SERMON III. 2 Cor. r. 12. For our rejoicing is this, the ïef imo. ny of our Confcience, that in fimplicity and godly fincerity, not with fefbly wifdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our converfa- Lion in the world, and more abundantly to you- wards. IF a tender Chriflian walk be an excellent thing, and if the rejoicing of a good Confcience, that floweth from it, be an excellent thing ; then lure it muff be a very excellent and deferable thing, to fludy thorow acquaintance with our own heart and way, and to try our particular carriage by our Confcience informed by the word ; this Pra&ice having fo much influence on a tender walk, and being fo conducible to a well- groun- ded rejoicing in God : For doubtlefs there can be nothing more contributive to thefe notable and noble ends, than to give Confcience its due regard and place, and to lay due weight upon it in its paring cenfure of our way, and to be clear and diftin& in its fentence of our by- pali carriage and proceedings. We may fay of Confci- ence in this work, as Solomon fays of that king, Prow. 2o. 8. Who fitting on the throne of judgment, fcatteretb away all evil with his eyes. When Confcience, as the great and fovereign God his deputy, fits on its throne (as