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aa v6/ fF fID { (as it were) it path a divine !l authority, and majef{y whereby it fcattereth all thefe evils that haunt the heart; fo that they cannot endure and ifand before it, but muff flee away. And, becaufe this hath fo very much influence on a Chriftian walk, we fhall fpeak a word further to what flows from the do&rine propofed the other day ; and it (hall be for an ufe of reproof, and expoffulation, (which we named as the 4th ufe of it) to and with Chrifiians . that profefs to have a tender walk; and yet much flight this duty, which is a main part of it, and fingularly helpful to the whole of it : For, if the fearch of our way, and the trying of it by Confcience, be a main piece and part of a tender Chriftian walk, fo that they who are much in the one, have allo much of the other; and none have been of a tender Confcience and walk, but they have been tender in this part of it, to have Confcience its fenfe and teffimony of their bypaff walk ; then there is ground of reproof to, and expofulation with, thefe, who either negle& or flight it : And this is it that we would now fpeak to, even to reprove and expoftulate with many profeft Chriflians, who would be loth to be accounted grofs and untender in their walk, who yet ne.. gle& this f© main a piece of a Chrilianly tender walk. And, before we fall on particulars, we would fpeak a: little to force evidences for making it out, what juif ground there is, to reprove and expoftulate on this ac- count, even for the negle& of fo clear and profitable a duty ; And, i j?, May we not in the general charge moff for an utter negle& of this, and all, for much overlinefs in it ? Ask your own Conferences, if ye were called to an account before God, how ye would anfwer as to this particular? durff ye fay, that ye have made Confcience ferioufly, and fuitably to reflet upon your cafe and way ? and that ye have been tenderly concerned to find out what was right, and what was wrong in it, and to have Con ¡cíence its approbatory or condemnatory fenfe and fentence thereof, and to be affe&ed anfßverably, as you found matters betwixt God and you ? We are fiire there is none of us, tho' we can fay we have been going about other duties of religion, fuch as prayer, reading, and hearing